Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: Robert
Youth Club
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Tags: 1950s, 1999, Allen, Arthurton, Audrey, ball, Banham, Barry, Black, Bob, Broadland, Carly, challenge, Club, Cook, Cousins, Daniel, Darren, Dewing, Fellows, Godfrey, Hayley, Jenny, Joe, John, Kett, Kevin, Lee, Luke, MacDonald, Mace, Mary, Mathrew, McCoan, Michaela, Molly, Neal, Oliver, Pamelas, Peggy, Phillip, pop, Rene, Robert, sayce, shreeve, Spooner, Steele, Sylvia, Tracey, Tubby, Waby, Walton, Whall, William, Wilson, Woodhouse, Wren, youth, Yvonne
Jimmy Payne - Church Farm
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Church - St Agnes.
Tags: Addison, Agnes, Ames, Baker, bell, bells, box, Bradburne, Browne, Bulwer, case, Cawston, chalice, choir, choirs, Church, clock, Cook, de la Pole, eagle, Farnham, fumigating, fumigation, glass, guilds, hammerbeam, history, Howard, industry, John, Kett, Kevin, King, lectern, Marsh, Mary, Maude, Mayhew, Michael.Yaxley, Noel, organ, organists, Oxburgh, Parish, photos, poor, record, Rectors, rectory, Robert, role, rood, roof, Rutter, screen, st, St.Agnes, stained, Stallard, Sylvia, weaving, window, windows, woolen
Roll of Honour and War Memorials Lest We Forget
File 1/Roll of Honour WW1
File 2/Roll of Honour WW2
File 3/Lieutenant Cecil Faulkner Cawston - Boer War 1899-1902
File 4/ War Horses and Dogs
File 5/ War…
Tags: 1914, 1918, 1939, 1945, Africa, Alfred, Anthony, Arthur, Barham, Barker, Bartle, Bellboddy, Bellbody, Betts, Boer, brain, Brownsell, Bryant, Burke, Carman, Carmichael, Casson, Cawston, Cecil, Chanin, Claude, Clifford, Davidson, Dennis, Dix, Douglas, Edward, Elijah, Enright, Eric, Ernest, Faulkner, first, Fred, Frederick, Frutiger, Gapp, Gaskin, George, Gordon, Hampson, Harold, Henry, Hewitt, Hill, Honour, John, Jones, Kevin, King, Lee, Leonard, Lewis, Lieutenant, Lilly, Mark, memorials, monsey, Oakley, of, office, Orgilvie, Percy, peter, Preston, Ralph, Riseborough, Robert, roll, Rump, Sampson, Samuel, Sapper, second, Sheeve, shreeve, Sidney, south, Stanley, Thomas, Tubby, Tuddenham, Victor, Walter, war, warmemorials, Wells, William, world, ww1, ww11, ww2
War Times WW1/11 Memories/Diaries
Tags: army, atomic, Bill, Billy, bomb, boy, Carman, Dennis, Dewing, Douglas, Douglass, Eric, Felicite, Gordon, Hamley, Harding, Hiroshima, Hutton, Jack, John, Kett, little, memories, monsey, mother, notes, Riley, Robert, Royal, Sampson, service, Sonny, thoughts, times, Walter, war, wartimes, Wilkins, ww11
Chapel Street/Prince of Wales Road
Tags: agricultural, Bamber, Bush, butcher, Carman, Chapel, cobblers, Dewing, drive, Engelhard, engineer, Fred, Gaskin, Hammond, Jack, Jeary, Lottie, mills, Paul, pitchers, Prince of Wales, reform, Riley, road, Robert, Ruff, sinker, Stackwood, Stanley, Street, tailor, Tuddenham, Walter, way, well, Wesleyan, William, Wilson, workhouse