Browse Items (45 total)

  • Collection: Organisations/Clubs/Societies

Football club 1976.jpeg
In 1976 the Cawston Football Club won three cups; the North East Norfolk Championship Cup, the League Cup and the Aylsham Charity Cup. The team also reached the semi-final of the Norfolk Junior Cup Competition. The team are pictured in this cutting…

On 9 April 1983 Cawston Rovers played in the Norfolk Primary Cup Final at Carrow Road which they won 2-1 against Britannia Prison.

The other most significant thing about the game which caused a media frenzy both locally and nationally was that it…

Open mornings 2024.pdf
The Heritage room is in the Village Hall, Our open morning is the first Saturday in the month between 10am and 12noon or Contact us to arrange a visit. For more infomation see Click Here to visit out fb page. We need your help!In order to maintain…

Billiard Trophy.pdf
Cawston Institute Billirds....

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WI Table Cloth Covers.pdf
This very unique table cover was made by the Cawston W.I. in the
1977 Jubilee year....

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Social Club.pdf
The Social Club stated in about 1990 and sadly closed in 2021....

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Pottery Classes.pdf
Pottery classes were held in Cawston Village Hall, there were facilities to do almost anything....

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Art Classes.pdf
For many years Art classes were held at Cawston Village Hall ....

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Baby & Toddle Group.pdf
Cawston Baby & Toddler Group started 28th September 1983, no record when group closed.

Click on file to see photos....

CATS Theatre Group.pdf
This unique group accepted members of all abilities and backgrounds from age 8, without any audition to join. The aim was to bring out the best in everyone and demonstrate that all have talent and an important role to play in the success of a…

Heritage Open Day June 2019.pdf
Open day was held on the 29th June. The day went really well with lots of support and with the help of a wonderful team of helpers. Thank you....

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Haveringland and Parishes - Country Show 1910.pdf
Haveringland and Parishes - Country Show 1910. A record attendance of upwards of 4000 were present at the seventh annual show of the North Norfolk Horticultural and Poultry Association, held in Haverland Park.... Click on file to view full…

Pigeon Club.pdf
Club was ran from the Bell Inn Public House....

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Photo of the Cubs 1914/15


Fishing Club.pdf
Cawston Fishing Club use and look after Booton Clay Pits.... Click on file to view full screen....

Court Pride of Cawston.pdf
On Whit Sunday the members of the Court “Pride of Cawston,” No. G 092, of the A.O.F. (Norwich and East Norfolk District), attended divine service during the evening, when appropriate sermon was preached the Rev. T. Brown of....

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Police Constables and Specials of Yesteryears.pdf
Police Constables and Specials of Yesteryears....

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Cawston Band Festival Programme 1934.pdf
The Seventh Annual Cawston Brass Band Festival Souvenir Programme....

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Good Companions Club.pdf
The Club held meetings once a fortnight....

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The Plough Guild was very important in Cawston, the Guild Hall was the Old Plough at Sygate....

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Cawston Cricket Club.pdf
A Great Club but ceased in about 2008....

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Parish Matters.pdf
Information about our village including the lunch club which started/monthly activity in 2015 at the village hall. the parish plan, defibrillators, andplaying field etc.... Click on files for more infomation & to view full screen....

CHS Logo Intro.pdf
CHS - Cawston Historical Society: The Society was formed following a meeting at Cawston Village Hall on Thursday 20th April 2006. The committee met for the first time on Thursday 4th May and thanked everyone for a well supported evening and for the…

The first Defibrillator installed at Cawston was at the Village Hall in 2013, the second being installed at the Bowls Club in 2014 and the third in 2018 at Eastgate in the unused phone box on the crossroads of Back Lane/Perry's Lane....

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St. Johns Ambulance Brigade.pdf
Formed in 1954, meetings were held at the old school.
Classes in First Aid and Home Nursing were taken regularly and members also attended....

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Cawston UNB Society Ribbon Med view.jpg
Details for this Society required.... Click on file to view....

Tug of War.pdf
Photos of Tug of War teams....

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British Legion.pdf
Photos of the British Legion in Cawston through the years. Cawston once had separate men’s and women’s sections, but these were forced to close owing to falling number but was re-established with Reepham branch as a sub-branch of Aylsham, in 2004…

Football teams.pdf
Photo Gallery of football teams/clubs through the years....

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Cawston 71 Club.pdf
The 71 Club was formed in 1971 and held meeting each month at the Bell Inn club room....

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Modernairs Dance Band.pdf
Cawston Modernairs Dance Band History/photos.

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Harmonica Band.pdf
The Cawston Harmonica Band was made up from members of the Cawston Wesleyan Reform Chapel....

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Cawston Band.pdf
Cawston & District Band was formed in 1886, practices were carried out on Monday & Wednesday evenings at the Bell Inn at the High Street in Cawston in a first floor room now converted onto 3 Bed & Breakfast rooms, they played around the…

Brownies & Guides.pdf
Brownies & Guides photos,
The Guides have been closed for some time and sadly the Brownies closed in 2021.

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Womens Institute.pdf
The Women's Institute started on the 23rd February 1921 with 52 members. Members marked their 90th birthday with a special celebration at the same venue as it did 90 years ago at the Cecil Cawston Memorial Institute (Village Hall Cawston).The WI was…

Red Cross White House Farm & Det Norfolk 208.pdf
Cawston Red Cross WW2 photos.

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Stockmens Club 1965.jpg
Click on file to see some history of the Stockmen's Club in Cawston, this is the only item we have on this club which include PC Herbert Golding our village policeman.

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Heydon Minstrels 1954.pdf
Despite its name this village concert party had a strong contingent of Cawston members. Originally conceived as a minstrel show by an American airman based at Heydon in 1953 it evolved under the direction of Jim Howard into a variety show with Jim as…

Scouts in the 1900s.pdf
Miss Avis Marsh started a Scout group at Cawston in 1932. Born in Southampton, Miss Marsh moved to Norfolk when her father became Rector at Cawston, her 55 years with the Scouts began in 1914 when she became Scoutmaster at Aylsham, running the troop…

Bowls Clubs.pdf
The White House Bowls Club: During 1965 the White House Bowls Club played friendly matches with various local clubs, about one match a week was played. The club had two trophies:- Presidents Trophy (Pairs) won by Mr A. Cox and Mr C. Thompson, 1965…

Reading and Billiard Rooms.pdf
Reading through the memory lane pieces Cawston enjoyed reading rooms at various locations through the years, the photos are at the meeting room at the old Prince of Wales Public House in the Prince of Wales Road joining Chapel Street, the public…

Toc H 2.jpg
The wonderful movement of the Cawston branch "Toc H" was formed in 1953 Coronation year of Queen Elizabeth 11, this was a branch of the Toc H organization set up in the first world war in Belgian in a house called Talbot House and was a rest,…

Odd Fellows Meeting Room.jpg
The Odd Fellows: The Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Cawston was called The Lytton Bulwer Lodge and was a branch of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows. Special door knocks and handshakes were used as proof of membership. The photoabove was the…

Village Hall 2015.pdf
The Cecil Cawston Memorial Institute: George Cawston of London in 1896 bought the manorial rights of our manor and he proceeded to build Cawston Manor.... Click on file to view full screen....
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