Browse Collections (16 total)

Businesses/Trades History

Village Walk by Karen Wells.pdf

Cawston Business/Trades History and Photos

View the items in Businesses/Trades History

Church and Chapels

Church Quick Look.pdf

History and photos of the Church & Chapels

View the items in Church and Chapels


Possible Roman fort at Sygate.pdf

Finds in Cawston: From time to time men working in the fields of Cawston have found flint tools used by our earliest ancestors, dating from the old…


Martin Sercombe

Media Projects East

Neil Storey

View the items in Finds

Gravestones - Memorial and Remembrance Project

Memorial Slabs in Church.pdf

The Gravestone project for St. Agnes' Church, the Cemetery and Memorial/Remembrance is ongoing and will be updated as time permit which is being…

View the items in Gravestones - Memorial and Remembrance Project


Wall Hand Grain Grinder.pdf

Memorabilia which has been given to the Heritage Centre. Plus Video being part of the Cawston Remembers Project:


For Video: Martin Sercombe Mediia Projects East & Neal Storey.

View the items in Memorabilia

Parish:- Heath. Booton Clay Pits. Village Sign etc

Bravery at Booton Clay Pit.pdf

This collection is for items which is difficult to include in other collections.

View the items in Parish:- Heath. Booton Clay Pits. Village Sign etc

Roads + Eastgate and Sygate/Southgate

Walk Down Chalel Street 1930s by Ivan Purdy.pdf

Photos and some history for the Roads in Cawston + Eastgate & Sygate/Southgate.

View the items in Roads + Eastgate and Sygate/Southgate